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Archive for the ‘ECM5006’ Category

ECM5006: Assignment 2

Saturday, January 3rd, 2009

I was pleased to receive assignment 2 back from Dr. C with a 98. Our papers are graded on a 100 point scale, with 70 points for content and 30 for writing. The grading rubric further extends content into focus, development and organization.

Excellent (94 to 100 points) is described as:

Learner demonstrates a well-developed focus, thorough points of development, and a logical pattern or organization of discussion ideas and concepts required in assigned activity.
-Substantially achieved stated learning outcome(s)

-Substantially integrated key concepts and terms from course materials.

-Substantially evaluated, concluded, and applied concepts learned-demonstrated learning through use of examples and/or illustrations.

-Supported insights and assertions through research and use of additional outside academic resources

Dr. C. added comments throughout the paper’s text, letting me know that I was on track. One of his statements indicated he thought my work was excellent. He also said, “Great work on the case.” I have been able to use some of the knowledge gained through my work (I work in supply chain). Analyzing cases is no fun but I think I have developed a formula for them. The trick is not to just answer the questions, but to really use critical thinking. Sometimes the questions are “leading” questions and seem to have a simple answer. However, if you question the questions and look for ways to bring in good sources, then the case will fall together.

 Today I am at my parents’ house in GA and not able to focus on the next paper. However, I did drag my book with me and will likely do some reading tonight. There are no case studies for the 3rd and 4th assignments, only discussion questions. Assignment 3 has 7 questions and assignment 4 has 4. I hope to dedicate some time to these when we get back. December was a busy time at work and I did not have much time to work on assignments. This year I get an extra week of vacation and I plan to use one day (minimum) per month. I am most successful when I can take a large block of time to work on assignments rather than 15 minutes here and 2 hours there. I am interested in how you manage your assignments…do you work well in small bites or marathons?

Winter in VA

Saturday, December 20th, 2008

Ugh, winter here in Virginia is dreary. I think it has rained most every day. The sky stays a permanent gray! I am already looking forward to beautiful sunshiney days in the spring and summer. I tend to stay indoors when the weather is so dismal. It seems to affect my mood as well! I am looking to knock out an assignment this weekend, the second of four in this class. This one is similar to the others, read the book, a paper to answer questions and analyze a case. 

ECM5006 Integrated Supply Chain Management

Tuesday, October 21st, 2008

I received my used text in the mail this week and have started on the first assignment, which includes reading chapters 1 to 4, and completing certain discussion questions in chapters 2, 3 and 4. The assignment also includes a case study – this one is about “Meditech Surgical.” I actually found the case on the internet, here

I am finding it hard to get motivated about the paper. My dad has been very ill and I spent most of September at mom and dad’s house. This month he had to have more surgery, and my brother stayed with them a week. Today, dad had to have more surgery and he is in surgery even as I write this post. It is so very difficult to concentrate when so much is on my mind.

I can’t really say that what I feel is worry – it is more like nervousness or apprehension. I am concerned about my parents’ well-being and happiness and this has been very difficult for them. Dad has cancer of the larynx which means that they took away his ability to speak. I have been thinking about how much we use our voice to communicate, especially when we live so far away from each other. I am so very sad that this has happened and feel helpless at the same time.

New Course ECM5006 Integrated Supply Chain Management

Monday, October 6th, 2008

I begin ECM5006 Integrated Supply Chain Management on 11/01. This course has 4 activities worth 100 points each. The assignments are essentially 4 sets of some discussion questions and case studies.

Here are the learning outcomes:

1 – Understand what a supply chain is.
2 – Discuss logistics network configuration
3 – Explain inventory management and risk pooling
4 – Discuss the impact of the Internet on the supply chain
5 – Discuss the pull and push strategies
6 – Explain strategic alliances as they chain supply chain
7 – Discuss procurement and outsourcing strategies
8 – Discuss international issues in supply chain management
9 – Explain how design for logistics concepts can be used to control logistics costs and make the supply chain more efficient
10 – Discuss how information technology can be used to enhance customer value in the supply chain
11 – Explain the relationship between ERP software and decision-support software used in the installation
12 – Discuss decision support system for supply chain management

My job role at MWV is squarely in supply chain, so I am hoping that I will be able to use some real-life examples in my papers. I found the book used on the internet for $11.15 plus shipping. Not bad for a text costing over $100 new. I would like to see if I can finish up this class faster than usual so I can start statistics and then the research phase by Jan 1st!